Insects and Spiders, Valais, Switzerland

smsm_MSC_u8830_g Western Bee-fly (Bombylius canescens), with dew drop at the proboscis, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_4r0080_g Thick-headed flies (Sicus ferrugineus) in copula, Ovronnaz, Valais, Switzerland
smsm_MSC_u8623_g Large banded grasshopper (Arcyptera fusca), male, a Short-horned grasshopper from the Acrididae family, Valais, Switzerland
smsm_MSC_u8666_g Well camouflaged grasshopper species Bryodemella tuberculata of the Acrididae family, Valais, Switzerland
smsm_MSC_u8780_g Cicada orni, a species of the cicada family (Cicadidae), Valais, Switzerland
smsm_MSC_u8797_g Well camouflaged Cicada orni, blending in with the color of the tree trunk, a species of the cicada family (Cicadidae), Valais, Switzerland
smsm_MSC_u8907_g Buffalo treehopper (Stictocephala bisonia) with a size of 6 mm, Membracidae family, Valais, Switzerland
smsm_MSC_u9680_g Cobweb spider (Steatoda bipunctata) having caught a black-brown carpenter ant measuring multiple times her own size, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_4s0174_g Asian mud-dauber wasp (Sceliphron curvatum) collecting mud for building brood cells, Ovronnaz, Valas, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_4s0176_g Asian mud-dauber wasp (Sceliphron curvatum) collecting mud for building brood cells, Ovronnaz, Valas, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_4s0197_g Asian mud-dauber wasp (Sceliphron curvatum) collecting mud for building brood cells, Ovronnaz, Valas, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_4s917_g4 Asian mud-dauber wasp (Sceliphron curvatum) collecting mud for building brood cells, Ovronnaz, Valas, Switzerland
smgva_MSC_4s3609_g Winged imago of woolly beech aphids (Phyllaphis fagi), which excrete white to bluish-white wax threads, giving them a woolly appearance, Ovronnaz, Valais,...
smgva_MSC_4s3660_g Winged imago of woolly beech aphids (Phyllaphis fagi), which excrete white to bluish-white wax threads, giving them a woolly appearance, Ovronnaz, Valais,...
smgva_MSC_4s3764_g Crane fly (genus Nephrotoma), Ovronnaz, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_4s9168_g Asian mud-dauber wasp (Sceliphron curvatum) collecting mud for building brood cells, Ovronnaz, Valas, Switzerland
smsm_MSC_u0141_g Pink color variant (erythrism) of a nymph of the Common field grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus), a Short-horned grasshopper from the Acrididae family, Valais,...
smGVA_MSC_cu0615_g Mating of a straw yellow, well-camouflaged Italian tree cricket (Oecanthus pellucens), Suborder Ensifera, Valais, Switzerland
smsm_MSC_u0725_g Well camouflaged grasshopper species Bryodemella tuberculata of the Acrididae family, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_cu1287_g Female of Prionyx kirbii, a thread-waisted wasp, from the Sphecidae family, digging a tunnel in sandy soil, preparing vor nesting, Valais, Switzerland