
smsm_MSC_u8501_g Erebia montana, a satyrid butterfly of the Brush-footed butterflies family (Nymphalidae), Valais, Switzerland
smsm_MSC_u9344_g Erebia neoridas, a satyrid butterfly of the Brush-footed butterflies family (Nymphalidae), Valais, Switzerland
smsm_MSC_u9685_g Clouded Yellow (Colias croceus), a butterfly of the Pieridae family, Valais, Switzerland
smsm_MSC_cu1040_g Common blue butterfly (Polyommatus icarus), male with an iridescent lilac blue at the dorsal side of the wings, Lycaenidae family, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_9318_g Juvenil caterpillar of the species Cucullia lucifuga, Laggintal Valley, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_9340_g Mountain Apollo (Parnassius apollo) feeding on a yellow tansy flower, Laggintal Valley, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_9536_g Mountain Apollo (Parnassius apollo) feeding on a thistle flower, Laggintal Valley, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_c4t6663_g Queen of Spain fritillary (Issoria lathonia) on a lavender flower, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_c4t7242_g Marbled White butterfly (Melanargia galathea), Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_5831_g Old World Swallowtail (Papilio machaon), Switzerland
smGVA_9538_g Mountain Apollo (Parnassius apollo) feeding on a thistle flower, Laggintal Valley, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_9542_g Mountain Apollo (Parnassius apollo) feeding on a thistle flower, Laggintal Valley, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_9552_g Mountain Apollo (Parnassius apollo) feeding on a thistle flower, Laggintal Valley, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_4r0043_g Butterfly Mountain Clouded Yellow (Colias phicomone), Ovronnaz, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_4r5415_g Butterfly Common Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni), Ovronnaz, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_4r6165_g Butterfly Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina), Ovronnaz, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_4r0925_g Silver-washed fritillary (Kaisermantel), (Argynnis paphia), Ovronnaz, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_4r0243_g Caterpillar of the moth Willow Beauty (Peribatodes rhomboidaria), Ovronnaz, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_4r9551_g Caterpillar of the Geometer moth Gnophos furvata, Ovronnaz, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_4r0341_g Caterpillar of the moth Willow Beauty (Peribatodes rhomboidaria) well camouflaged by imitating the shape and bark of a small branch, Ovronnaz, Valais,...