Ovronnaz Region

smsm_MSC_b28773_u Inflorescense of Alpine sea holly (Eryngium alpinum), Carrot (Parsley) family (Apiaceae), Alps of Liechtenstein
smGVA_9633_g Honey bee worker gathering pollen into the pollen baskets on its back legs, Wallis, Schweiz
smGVA_MSC_c4t5367_g Viviparous lizard (Zootoca vivipara) having caught a hover fly, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_c4t6663_g Queen of Spain fritillary (Issoria lathonia) on a lavender flower, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_c4t7088_g Fully grown Larva of Old World Swallowtail (Papilio machaon) on fennel, one of its food plants, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_c4t7094_g Europan garden spider (Araneus diadematus) having caught prey, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_c4t7242_g Marbled White butterfly (Melanargia galathea), Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_c4t7273_g Black-veined white (Aporia crataegi), Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_c4t8758_g A fly being caught in the sticky glue droplets covering the capture threads of the European garden spider (Araneus diademus) web, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_5831_g Old World Swallowtail (Papilio machaon), Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_c4t8804_g Harvestman Mitopus morio, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_c4t9053_g Young winged ant queen being caught during her nuptial flight in the sticky glue droplets covering the capture threads of the European garden spider (Araneus...
smGVA_MSC_4s0197_g Asian mud-dauber wasp (Sceliphron curvatum) collecting mud for building brood cells, Ovronnaz, Valas, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_4s917_g4 Asian mud-dauber wasp (Sceliphron curvatum) collecting mud for building brood cells, Ovronnaz, Valas, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_c4t9454_g Female Saddle-backed bush cricket (Ephippiger diurnus), Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_c4t4973_g Yellow color variation of a Napoleon crab spider (Synema globosum) on a daisy flower, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_c4t6085_g Crab spider Misumena vatia, femaile, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_c4t6158_g Wild bee Halictus maculatus feeding on pollen of a perforate St Johns-wort flower, Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_c4t6433_g Caterpillar of Mullein (Cucullia verbasci) moth feeding on its host plant, a flowering mullein (Verbascum lychnitis), Valais, Switzerland
smGVA_MSC_cw5335_g Mountain Pasqueflower (Pulsatilla montana), Valais, Switzerland